Your Skin And Body Concerns
Many of us have a number of concerns about our skin, or appearance. Here, we describe and give information on many of these
Skin, Acne And Ageing Concerns
What is Acne?
Acne can have a profound psychological effect on sufferers. It is common and affects up to 95% of people at some point in their life. Acne is predominantly seen in teenagers however adults can also be affected into and beyond their 40’s. Acne can appear a number of ways. Papules are small, inflamed lumps that are pink, tender and non-pustular. Pustules which are small, inflamed, tender, pustular red lumps. Nodules are large, spherical painful lumps located in the dermis. Cysts are also large, painful, pustular lumps located deep in the skin and can cause acne scarring.
What Causes Acne?
Multiple factors contribute to the formation of acne. In reality the cause of acne varies between and within individuals. The following factors have been identified. Sebaceous glands make an oily substance called sebum which flows onto the skin through the hair follicle pore. Hormones control this process. The largest number and size of glands are found on the chest, face, back and shoulders. During puberty there is an increase in male hormones which increases the production of sebum. In females this increase in sebum production occurs just after ovulation and acne break outs are seen just before the period. The follicles become blocked by dead skin cells which combined with the over activity of the sebaceous glands causes a blockage of the hair follicle pores creating whiteheads (closed comedone) and blackheads (open comedone). Bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) then enter the blocked pores. Inflammation, redness and pus occur forming a pimple.
What Treatments Are Available?
Early and individualised treatments are vital to manage acne and prevent complications such as acne scarring. The causes and presentations of acne vary between individuals. Treatment needs to focus on the immediate problem and prevent future outbreaks.
An assessment of the skin and general health needs to be made to formulate the best plan of management for each individual.
Treatment of acne requires patience, balance and care. Some treatments can be harmful if used incorrectly.
Current outbreaks can be managed with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and steroids (infrequently used).
Treatment programs require a regime running over a minimum of 8 weeks and multiple modalities are often needed. The causes of acne are targeted.
Professional treatment Options
Treatment includes the use of:
- Retinoids
- Salicylic acid
- Alpha hydroxyl acids (medical grade peels) to allow dead skin cells to turn over and pores to unclog. These medications can be administered topically or orally for cystic acne.
- Antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide are used to eliminate the bacteria involved in causing acne and reduce inflammation.
- LED Light therapy is also efficacious in managing the bacterial aspect of acne.
- Inflammation associated with acne is also treated with salicylic acid peels and skin care.
- Sebum production can be reduced by using oral and topical retinoids. Hormonal stabilisation using oral contraceptive pills in females and anti-androgens.
- Skin care. Dry skin exacerbates acne and prevents treatments from working well. Gentle non-abrasive and non-drying facial washes and moisturisers are important to prevent drying of the skin. The appropriate cosmetics to prevent blocked pores are important. Both in clinic and home care work well with other treatments to manage acne.
- Skin needling
- Laser Genesis
- LED Light Therapy.
What Should I Do Next?
ACNE is a complex problem. The causes vary between individuals. Treatment required is based on assessing the skin and the possible causes of acne. An individualised treatment plan is the key to overcoming acne. Contact Dr Luci’s Clinic on 02 9567 0399 or email us [email protected] to book your free consultation with one of our skin specialists. We look forward to helping you overcome this distressing problem and moving on to the next exciting phase of your life.
What Is Ageing?
Ageing is a process that occurs throughout our body but is most evident in the skin; the largest organ of the body. Ageing is a naturally occurring process that is impacted by environmental factors, lifestyle and genetics. Smoking, poor diet, lack of rest, stressful lifestyle, excessive sun exposure and dehydration will accelerate and worsen the signs of ageing seen on the skin.
What Are The Signs Of Ageing?
Wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of volume, pigmentation, enlarged pores, dull lack lustre skin tone, uneven skin tone.
What Treatments Are Available?
Treatments are available to help improve and even reverse the signs of ageing. Prevention of wrinkles forming is vitally important.
Home Care Options
- Reducing sun exposure
- Skin supplements
- Dietary changes
- Stopping smoking and other lifestyle changes
Professional Options
- Antioxidant skin care and facials
- Skin Needling
- Cosmetic Injections
- Laser Genesis
- LED light therapies
- Chemical peels.
- Cosmetic Surgery
What Should I Do Next?
Dr Luci Clinic has available a wide range of treatments to manage the signs of ageing. Your first step to taking control of your ageing concerns is an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. A full assessment will be conducted and an individualised treatment plan will be recommended to help you achieve your goals and long lasting results. Call 02 9567 0399 or email us [email protected] or Book online now
What Are Dark Circles Around The Eyes?
This refers to dark areas of pigmentation involving the upper and lower eyes lids and around the eye. The appearance of dark circles can give the impression of tiredness and many find this condition distressing.
What Causes Dark Circles Around The Eyes?
The cause of dark circles is not well understoodand many factors are thought to contribute to their appearance. Genetic factors, ageing, dehydration and insufficient rest are implicated in the cause. The skin under the eye is thin and blood vessels in this area are closer to the surface and easier to see causing a pigmented or darkened appearance. Loss of supportive fat in this area is also linked to the appearance of these circles.
What Treatments Are Available?
This is a delicate area and does not respond well to harsh treatments. Inappropriate treatments may dry the skin further and make the problem worse.
Home Care Options
- Simple camouflage with make-up.
- Adequate rest and sleep
- Hydration will also improve appearance
- Sunscreen and avoidance of sun exposure.
Professional Treatments Options
- Power Facials
- Fading and lightening creams
- Medical grade peels
- Skin needing
- PRP injections
- Cosmetic injections
- Laser therapy
- LED Light therapy
What Should I Do Next?
This is a difficult problem to treat. The correct and most effective treatment depends on identifying the underlying cause. This requires a full assessment of the problem including heath and lifestyle factors. The team at Le Sands Clinic are skilled in the assessment and management of skin pigmentation and dark circles around the eye. Allow us to design an individualised programme to help you achieve your goal of clear skin and vibrant eyes into the future. Contact the clinic for an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. Call 02 9567 0399 or email us [email protected]
What Is Dry Skin?
Dry skin exhibits a lack of moisture causing a dry, rough or scaly appearance. When the skin is too dry it can become irritated, red, cracked and itchy. Dry skin is one of the features of an ageing skin. Mildly dry skin is a very common condition.
What Causes Dry Skin?
Dry skin can result from reduced water content in the skin, increased dead skin cells on the surface and increased water loss due to the loss of the skin’s protective barrier. Dry skin can occur due to a number external factors such extreme climate (heat, cold, wind, air conditioning, pollution, frequent air travel) or chemicals such as inappropriately harsh skin care and products and even over-washing which washes away protective oils.
Dry skin can also be seen as a part of ageing where loss of oil is to be expected, skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis and as a result of medications and treatments.
What Treatments Are Available?
A number of treatments are available for the management of dry skin. The correct treatment and combination of treatments is essential and dependent upon an identification of the cause.
Home Care Options
- Drinking adequate water
- Correct diet
- Supplements such as essential fatty acids are necessary for combating dry skin.
Professional Options
- Hydrating facials
- Chemical peels,
- Skin needling
- Hyaluronic acid dermal injections
- LED light therapies
What Should I Do Next?
At Dr Luci Clinic, we understand the complexity of dry skin. Your first step to taking control of your dry skin concerns, is an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. A full assessment of your skin, lifestyle and medical history will be conducted and an individualised treatment plan will be recommended to help your achieve your goals and long lasting results. Call 02 9567 0399 or email us [email protected]
What Are Jowls?
Jowls are the bulging of fat and soft tissue along the jaw line. It is associated with marionette lines from the lower corners of the mouth and laxity and bulging in the upper neck areas, the lower part of the face and jaw line appears square.
What Causes Jowls?
Ageing, loss of volume, laxity of the skin and descent of fat and soft tissue causes the bulging along the jaw line. Marionette lines form from the corner of the mouth giving the appearance that the lower third of the face is falling down and forward.
What Treatments Are Available?
Treatment options available vary depending on the level of laxity and looseness of the skin. In addition to treatments available for sagging skin, these treatments may be useful:
- Laser Genesis
- Cosmetic Injections
- Surgery
What Should I Do Next?
The causes of sagging skin are multiple. A thorough assessment of the underlying causes and medical history is essential before the best individualised treatment plan can be formulated. An assessment of your goals is vital to achieving the results that you desire. There is definitely no single approach that will fit everyone. At Dr Luci Clinic we pride ourselves on providing a thorough assessment and appropriate safe plan to help you reach your goals and long lasting solutions. Contact the clinic for an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. Call 02 9567 0399 or email us [email protected]
What Is Melasma?
Melasma also known as chloasma or the “mask of pregnancy”, is commonly seen in women of childbearing age.
Melasma appears as blotches of pigmentation on the upper lip, nose, cheeks, chin, forehead and neck. It can be quite distressing.
How Is It Different To Pigmentation?
It is a chronic disorder. In the epidermal form, pigmentation is located superficially and appears as patches of light to dark brown and even black pigmentation . It is usually easier to treat because the excess pigment is close to surface and can be reached more successfully by topical products. The Dermal form exhibits pigment located deeper in the dermis of the skin. This form appears as blue/grey pigment patches. It is more difficult and often resistant to treatment. Targeted treatments that are able to penetrate deeper such as lasers are often required. A mixed form of epidermal (superficial) and dermal(deep) forms of melisma also exists.
What Causes Melasma?
The cause of this pigmentation is unknown however it is associated with hormonal changes, UV exposure, medications, pregnancy, the oral contraceptive pill and stress. Other possible causes include a genetic predisposition, nutrition and vitamin deficiencies and heat exposure. It is most commonly seen in areas of sun exposure and in women of darker skin types. Estrogen and UV radiation are the most significant causes. Melasma can rarely occur in men.
What Treatments Are Available?
This is a frustrating and difficult condition to treat. Successful treatment requires a realistic gentle approach and patience.
Sunscreen use and the avoidance of UV exposure are mandatory. This will reduce further pigment production. This should include wearing a hat and avoiding heat.
Treatments include:-
- Gentle skin care
- Medical Grade Peels
- Fading and lightening creams
- Skin needling
- Laser Genesis
- LED Light treatments
What Should I Do Next?
Melasma is a complex and often mysterious problem and the causes and correct treatments needed vary between individuals. The incorrect treatment may make the problem worse or cause recurrence. The team at Dr Luci Clinic are skilled in the assessment and management of skin pigmentation. Allow us to design an individualised programme to help you achieve your goal of clear skin into the future. Contact the clinic for an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. Call 02 9567 0399 or email us [email protected]
What Is Pigmentation?
Pigmentation means simply colouring. Skin colour results from a pigment in the skin called melanin. Other pigments may colour theskin such as haemoglobin (from blood), bilirubin (from the liver, appears yellow), heavy metals and tattoo ink particles. Melanin is produced in melanocyte cells. Disorders of pigmentation which can appear as too much or too little pigment or pigment in the wrong place can cause significant emotional distress and embarrassment. Skin pigmentation refers to the colouring of our skin from either damage or an excessive production of melanin.
What Are The Different Types Of Pigmentation?
The production of melanin is complex and involves many factors. UV radiation causes tanning, which is the skin’s protective response to combating further damage by UV radiation.
Pigmentation can be located superficially in the epidermis layer of the skin or deeply in the dermis layer. Certain conditions have a combination of these locations. The location will determine the ease and success of treatments with deep pigmentation being more difficult to treat.
Problems with pigmentation: Pigmentation appears in a number of ways:-
Solar Lentigos are commonly referred to as sun spots or liver spots. These common brown patches of 1cm diameter typically affect the face and back of the hands in people usually over 50. They are caused by sun exposure, they are associated with an increased risk of melanoma and BCC (skin cancers).
Ephelides or freckles are very common at all ages. More freckles and darker colour appear with increasing sun exposure.
Pigmented contact dermatitis (Riehl’s melanosis) is seen in response to cosmetic products.
Hyperpigmentation or increased pigmentation can also be caused by burns, scars, skin trauma, skin peels, and medications.
Melasma also known as chloasma or the “mask of pregnancy” is a significant and complex form of pigmentation that can be difficult to understand and treat. Please refer to section on Melasma.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) post-inflammatory pigment alteration (PIPA) occurs with conditions such as acne, eczema, and allergic reactions following burns, surgeries, and trauma or treatments such as chemical peels and laser resurfacing. It is due to increased melanin production in response to skin insult.This type of pigmentation can be difficult to treatand can may recur. Careful non irritating treatments are needed, combined with sunscreen as well as avoiding the sun. They usually improve with time.
What Causes Pigmentation?
The causes of pigmentation vary between individuals. The natural protective response of the skin to UV exposure is to produce melanin and darken the skin. Excess and abnormal pigmentation is caused by excess sun exposure and other factors such as trauma, chemicals, genetics and even stress play a role.
What Treatments Are Available?
The key to successful treatment of abnormal pigmentation is to establish the cause if possible. Identification of the type of pigmentation is important as this will guide selection of the most useful treatments. A realistic and gentle approach is vital as is patience because treatments often take time to be effective. Avoidance of the sun and sunscreen use are essential to prevent further skin damage and pigmentation.
The following treatments are available at Dr Luci Clinic in the treatment of pigmentation.
- Fading and lightening cream
- Skin care – clinic and home care
- Medical grade peels
- Skin needling
- Laser Genesis
- Omnilux LED Light therapy
What Should I Do Next?
Pigmentation is a complex problem and the causes and correct treatments needed vary between individuals. An incorrect treatment may make the problem worse. The team at Dr Luci Clinic are skilled in the assessment and management of skin pigmentation. Allow us to design an individualised programme to help you achieve your skin goals.
Contact the clinic for your initial assessment and consultation with one of our skin care experts. Please call 02 9567 0399 and arrange to book your next appointment with us at the Dr Luci clinic.
What Is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that presents with flushing of skin on face, central facial redness, enlarged visible blood vessels, small lumps and pustules. Other symptoms include burning and stinging, facial swelling and dryness, thickening of the skin. About 10% of the population is affected usually between 30 to 50 years and women more commonly than men.
What Are The Different Types Of Rosacea?
There are 4 sub-types of rosacea. Type 1 – Erythemotelangiectatic rosacea. This Type is mild with redness in central face, prominent superficial blood vessels and sensitive and irritable skin. Type 2 papulopustular Rosacea or classic rosacea and presents with small lumps (papules), pustules, and redness and may be misdiagnosed as acne. Type 3 – Phymatous rosacea which presents as thickened, irregular skin on the nose. Subtype 4 – ocular (involving the eye) rosacea. The condition can progress from the mild to severe. Early treatment is important to stop progression to the more severe forms. This condition can be very distressing and embarrassing to the sufferer.
What Causes Rosacea?
Rosacea is common in fair skin. The cause of rosacea is unknown. Sun damage, skin flushing and genetic predisposition are risk factors in developing rosacea. Other factors implicated include dust mites, intestinal bacteria, chemicals, food intolerances and psychological factors. Sun exposure, heat, alcohol and spicy food can aggravate it. The skin is extremely sensitive and may become irritated easily. Research is ongoing. If left untreated or incorrect treatment may result in worsening of symptoms and progression of the disease.
What Treatments Are Available?
This is a complex condition. There is no single approach to treatment. There is no cure however the correct combination of treatments can manage the symptoms and prevent progression to more severe disease. This first step in treatment is making a correct diagnosis. Inflammation and sensitive skin are common features of all subtypes.
Self Care Includes:
- Sunscreen and sun avoidance
- Avoiding aggravating factors such as foods and stress
Dr Luci Clinic Treatment Options:
- Anti- inflammatory supplements
- Gentle skin care products
- Gentle peels
- Skin needling
- Topical and oral antibiotics
- Omnilux LED Light therapy
- Laser Treatments
What Should I Do Next?
Making the correct diagnosis is the first step in managing this condition. At Dr Luci Clinic we perform an in-depth skin and medical consultation as part of our routine assessment. A personalised management plan will be formulated to address your individual concerns and desires. Contact the clinic for an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. Please call 02 9567 0399 and arrange to book your next appointment with us at the Caringbah clinic.
What Is Sagging Skin?
Sagging skin is one of the signs of ageing. This is seen most along the jaw line (jowls), around the mouth, cheeks and around the eyes. Sagging of the skin adds to a less youthful appearance.
What Causes Sagging Skin?
Sagging skin results from ageing. Ageing, genetics, chronic sun exposure, smoking , illness and lifestyle factors combine and show on our face. Loss and weakening of the underlying support structures to the skin such as collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid (which holds water) and loss of fat cause the skin to sag as well as contributing to the formation of wrinkles and lines. The face looks less full and youthful. Hollowing in areas around the eyes and cheeks add to an ageing appearance.
What Treatments Are Available?
The treatment required to correct sagging skin will depend on the severity of the problem, the identification of causative factors and your goals.
Prevention of ongoing volume loss and slowing of the ageing process are important.
Home Care Options
- Sunscreen is vital to prevent ongoing sun damage.
- Certain lifestyle choices such as smoking should be stopped.
Treatments that promote healthy skin will improve the appearance of sagging skin.
Professional Options
- Medical grade peels
- Appropriate skin care will act to rehydrate the skin and encourage the formation of healthy skin, therefore, improving texture, tone, elasticity and hydration of the skin.
- Skin needling will encourage the formation of new collagen also helping to reduce lines and wrinkles
- Laser treatments such as Laser Genesis
- LED light treatments are also extremely helpful in rejuvenating the skin.
- Cosmetic Injections may be offered to stop the movement of muscles, replace the lost support structures by filling out the lost areas and promote the formation of new collagen.
These treatments will act together to bolster the skin and underlying support structures helping to reduce the appearance of sagging skin and hopefully reduce the need for more drastic measures such as surgery.
What Should I Do Next?
The causes of sagging skin are multiple. A thorough assessment of the underlying causes and medical history is essential before the best individualised treatment plan can be formulated. An assessment of your goals is vital to achieving the results that you desire. There is definitely no single approach that will fit everyone. At Dr Luci Clinic we pride ourselves on providing a thorough assessment and appropriate safe plan to help you reach your goals and long lasting solutions. Contact the clinic for an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. Call 02 9567 0399 , book online, or email us [email protected]
Scarring And Stretch Marks
Scars are something we all have from birth our very first scar is our umbilical scar aka our naval. Throughout our lives we end up with many more scars, some of which are more visible than others. Some heal a lot better than others.
Before treating any scar we need to know what has caused the scar and fresh scars need to heal first before been treated. Depending on the type of scar there are several treatments that can help minimise the appearance.
What Treatment Options Are There?
Hypetrophic scars have over-produced collagen and appear raised they occur around 4 to 8 weeks following a wound.
Keloid scarring can be caused by the following: surgery; accidents; acne; body piercings (in some cases), whilst their appearance is “unsightly” due to the masses of collagen they are harmless but can be itchy or in some individuals painful. They are more common on the shoulders and chest.
Atrophic scars are sunken looking or have a pitted appearance due to the loss of fat or muscle in that area. This is also known as acne scarring they can also be caused by chickenpox, spider bites or accidents or genetic connective tissue disorder.
Stretch marks aka striae scarring are very common in a lot of people and mainly woman (especially after pregnancy) the main cause is sudden weight loss or through growth spurts or when skin is under tension during the healing process.
What Causes Scars?
Scarring can be caused by surgery, or from even simple accidents. Regardless of what caused the scar all scars have a healing process. Our body automatically repairs the area after the injury has taken place. Once the wound has completely healed, scar tissue is formed. Depending on what type of scar it is this may take months or years, in many cases years later the scar can barely be seen.
But what about those scars that are still visible……. Scars that appear more visible than others have a different composition even though scar tissue is made up of collagen but there is a lack of elasticity in the area. Also if someone is a smoker it will affect the healing process of the scar and also take longer to heal.
What Treatment Options Are Available?
The founder of Dr Luci Clinic, Dr Saliba, is also a surgeon who is familiar with surgical scars as well as general scars and will only offer the treatments best matched to the type of scarring and individual patient needs.
Treatments available include
- Medical Grade Peels
- Laser resurfacing with the latest Co2 laser
- Laser genesis
- Skin needling.
What Should I Do Next?
It is important that the cause of your scarring is understood in detail before any treatment plan can commence. We highly recommend booking an initial consultation with Dr Saliba by calling us on 02 9567 0399 or email us [email protected]
Sun Damage
Skin ageing occurs due to a combination of intrinsic (inside the body) and extrinsic (outside the body) factors. Intrinsic factors are genetically programme and generally outside of our control. Extrinsic factors include smoking, excessive alcohol, poor nutrition, stress and sun exposure. These factors can be modified. chronic sun exposure contributes 80% of what we consider premature skin ageing. In Australia as well as in other countries, a ‘healthy tan” is sought after and considered attractive. The long term effects however are not so desirable.
Sun damaged skin is seen on exposed areas of the face, neck, upper chest, arms and hands.
Sun damage (UV ray exposure) causes loss and breakage of collagen and elastin. Glycosaminoglcans which include hyaluronic acid (HA) are found in the skin normally and hold up to 1000 times their volume in water. They are reduced as a result ofageing and sun exposure. The skin becomes thin with loss of tone, elasticity and hydration. The skin becomes saggy.
Sun damage causes uneven pigmentation (freckles, sun spots)to occur as the skin tries to protect itself from UV radiation. UV radiation increases risk of skin cancers forming as well as non-cancer lesions such as keratosis(rough warty patches), telangiectasias (visble spider veins) and skin tags. This occurs because the skin becomes slower at repairing the damage caused by the sun and replacing with healthy new cells.
Blood vessels become weak and fragile causing bruising and redness. Damaged blood vessels are not able to provide nutrients to the skin efficiently. This causes skin to become dull and pale.
Free radicals are chemicals created by UV exposure, pollution, stress, smoking and normal metabolic processes. They are a major cause of the ageing process. These substances cause breakdown of collagen and elastin and build-up of damaged elastin.
What Are The Effects Of Sun Damage?
Sun damage causes many negative effects:
- Dry and roughskin
- Wrinkling
- Pale and dull skin
- Dark and light spots
- Freckles
- Unattractive pigmentation
- Loose, fragile and sagging skin
- Benign non- cancerous skin lesions – skin tags
- Red spots (cherry angiomas)
- Seborrheic keratosis
- Lentigos (sun spots)
- Fragile blood vessels
- Spider veins and telangiectasias
- Skin cancer including dangerous melanoma
What Treatments Are Available?
A number of treatments are available to prevent, repair and reverse the damage caused by sun exposure.
Home Care Options:
- Daily sunscreen even if in doors
- Sun avoidance (between 10am and 4pm) is highly advisable
- Avoid tanning beds.
- Generally, reducing exposure to the sun will also prevent further damage.
- Wearing a broad-rimmed hat
- Wear protective clothing
Older skin has also lost melanocyte cells which protect the skin from cancer forming UV light. This makes older skin more susceptible to forming skin cancers.
Professional Options
Repairing sun damaged skin can be achieved with the use of
- Medical grade peels – to help remove damaged skin and encourage the growth of healthy skin cells.
- Facials – A well developed skin care plan helps manage dry, sensitive skin as well as protect new skin.
This skin care plan may also include the use of Antioxidant skin care, peels, and dietary supplements. Improving collagen synthesis can be achieved with the use of vitamin C and glycolic acid peels.
- Laser Treatments in order to resurface your skin as well as encourage collagen production.
- In some cases, minor surgical procedures may be needed in order to manage non-cancerous skin lesions. It is important therefore, that you undertake regular and thorough skin cancer checks in the management and early diagnosis of skin cancers.
- Treatment to manage pigmentation will be in the form of Lasers, IPL, and fading creams depending upon the individual pigmentation and skin type.
- We also utilise Injectables to improve wrinkles and sagging skin and encourage the formation of new collagen. Please remember though however, that the use of injectables will only be recommended after a thorough skin consultation and performed only by Dr Saliba.
- Finally, your treatment may include skin needling which is used to encourage collagen production, thicken the skin and help with pigmentation.
What Should I Do Next?
Making the correct diagnosis is the first step in managing this condition. At Dr Luci Clinic we perform an in-depth skin and medical consultation as part of our routine assessment. A personalised management plan will be formulated to address your individual concerns and desires. Contact the clinic for an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. Please call 02 9567 0399 and arrange to book your us at the Dr Luci, Caringbah clinic.
Tattoo Regret
Tattoos have become a way for people to express their unique identity and important events and people in their life. Up to one third of the population has at least one tattoo. Tattoos are created by pigment particles or ink becoming trapped in the dermis or skin. They are generally permanent. Multiple colours can be tattooed. They come in all shapes, patterns, colours and sizes and can be placed anywhere on the skin.
How Are Tattoos Done?
Ink or pigment particles are injected into the skin using a device that rapidly punctures the skin. The body responds by sending special cells called macrophages to the area of trauma as part of the healing process. These cells try to eliminate the ink particles but don’t succeed due to the size of the ink particles. These cells remain in the dermis of the skin with the particles of ink permanently.
Why And How Are Tattoos Removed?
Why are tattoos removed?
Most people are happy with their body art. As people age or their circumstances and relationships change a tattoo may no longer reflect their personality, lifestyle or how they see themselves now. Many work places and professional organisations do not allow visible tattoos on employees.
How are tattoos removed?
Modern day tattoo removal is achieved by the use of lasers. The laser beam is attracted to the colour of the pigment. This causes the ink particles to be broken into tiny particles that are then removed from the body by the lymphatic system. The colour, quantity, quality, and depth of placement of the tattoo ink in the skin as well as the age of the tattoo and the individual response of each client will determine the number of treatments required and the potential for side effects.
What Should I Do Next?
An assessment of the tattoo (and the owner!) is essential to ensure that the safest individualised treatment programme is created for each client, as no two tattoos are identical. Le Sands Clinic has acquired laser technology to clear tattoos effectively and efficiently. Contact the clinic for an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. We look forward to seeing you move on to the next phase of your life, projecting the image you want, without the constant reminder of your past in ink! Call 02 9567 0399 book online, or email us [email protected]
Wrinkles And Fine Lines
Wrinkles and lines are one of the key signs of ageing. These lines are initially seen on our face temporarily due to facial expression. As time goes on they do become permanent. The position of the wrinkles and lines may add to a less youthful appearance and is some cases make us look angry or sad such as the frown lines between the eyes or around the mouth. Not all lines and wrinkles are considered ugly as they do add character to the face and show we have lived a full life.
What Causes Wrinkles And Fine Lines?
There are many factors that combine to create wrinkles and lines on the face. Ageing, genetics, chronic sun exposure, smoking, illness and lifestyle factors can and do show on our faces. Wrinkles form due to repeated muscle movements in face.
Loss of the underlying support structures to the skin such as collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid (which holds water) and fat can accentuate wrinkles and lines. Inappropriate skin care and dehyradtion may also dry out the skin causing fines lines and wrinkles.
What Treatments Are Available?
The treatment required will depend on the severity of the wrinkles and lines present, the identification of causative factors and your goals.
Prevention is important. Sunscreen is vital to prevent ongoing sun damage that is a key cause of wrinkles and lines. Certain behaviours such as smoking should be stopped.
Treatments that promote healthy skin will often improve fine lines and wrinkles.
These treatments should start with appropriate skin care to rehydrate the skin and encourage the formation of healthy skin. Other treatments available:
- Medical grade peels gently re-surface the skin allowing fine lines and wrinkles to be removed. Peels and skin care will improve the texture, tone, elasticity and hydration of the skin acting to improve fine lines and wrinkles.
- Skin needling will encourage the formation of new collagen also helping to reduce lines and wrinkles.
- Laser Genesis
- LED light treatment.
- Cosmetic Injections may be offered to stop the movement of muscles, replace the lost support structures and promote the formation of new collagen.
What Should I Do Next?
The causes of wrinkles and lines are multiple. A thorough assessment of the underlying causes and medical history is essential before the best individualised treatment plan can be formulated. An assessment of your goals is vital also to achieving the results that you desire. There is definitely no single approach that will fit everyone. At Dr Luci Clinic we pride ourselves on providing a thorough assessment and appropriate safe plan to help you reach your goals and long lasting solutions. Contact the clinic for an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. Call 02 9567 0399 , book online, or email us [email protected]
Withdrawing from topical steroid creams can be a difficult and daunting journey. Please read our blog on this subject
Body Concerns
Your Breast Health
Dr Saliba has a strong and special interest in breast health and breast surgery. She offers a comprehensive medical treatment for those experiencing breast cancers or requiring cosmetic breast surgery–from consultation, to surgery and post-surgery. This can include breast reconstruction and symmetry breast surgery in conjunction with breast cancer surgery as well as cosmetic surgery including breast augmentation, breast lift/mastopexy, breast symmetry and breast reduction.
Maintaining breast health awareness is critical for every woman to keep breasts healthy and avoid many breast problems and keep a positive self image.
There are many healthy lifestyle choices you can make that will improve your general health and will also benefit your breasts. These include:
- Being active and/or exercising regularly;
- Eating a variety of low-fat, high-fibre and whole grain foods;
- Eating lots of dark green, orange and red vegetables and fruits daily;
- Eating foods daily that are high in phytoestrogens (plant estrogens or isoflavones), such as soy, lentils and grains. These foods have been linked, in some studies, to breast cancer prevention;
- Not smoking;
- Limiting the amount of alcohol you drink; and
- Limiting the caffeine you drink or eat – coffee, tea, chocolate, cola and some other soft drinks may contain relatively high amounts of caffeine and sugar.
In addition to these lifestyle choices, get to know what your breasts feel like so that you’ll know what is normal for you and will recognise any changes that happen.Good breast health starts with good routine care.
Mammograms are recommended every 2 to 3 years for women aged between 50 and 69, who are considered average risk.
Why Is Breast Health So Important?
The goal of Dr Saliba and her team is to provide a complete service for patients that takes into account their ongoing breast health as well as the related emotional stress due to the complex physical and psychological nature of any subsequent surgery. We understand women’s needs and that feeling good is strongly influenced about how we look – not just about our health.
What Options Are Available For Breast Reduction?
As a female specialist Breast Surgeon, Dr Lucia Saliba understands the need of nurturing, caring and providing understanding to patients who are in a difficult and uncomfortable position in their lives. Her approach to ensuring holistic end to end care for her patients means a patient is able to stay with her from oncological (cancer) surgery, through to re-construction. Her strong professional connections and networks also means she is able to refer to other specialists when the need arises.
What Should I Do Next?
If you have any concerns about the health of your breasts, or would like to discuss your breast appearance, or have other concerns stemming from your breasts, please contact us on 1300 255 185 and make an initial appointment with Dr Saliba. Please note, this consultation is chargeable for the initial consultation and part covered by Medicare.
What Causes “Ozempic” Extreme Weight Loss Face?
Extreme weight loss face is caused following a significant period of weight loss. This can often occur after a person has been prescribed weight loss drugs, weight loss surgery, and self imposed diet and exercise. This can then affect the volume and shape of your face and other parts of your body and accelerates the appearance of ageing, skin laxity and poor skin texture.
What Treatment Options Are Available?
Each person will react to extreme weight loss differently and therefore there are a range of treatments available, depending upon your individual need. Dr Luci Clinic would normally utilise either single or multiple treatments of Cosmetic Injections, laser resurfacing as well as other intense treatments
What Should I Do Next?
Please contact us on 02 9567 0399 and make an initial appointment with us so that we can establish your personal treatment plan for extreme weight loss face
What Causes Vaginal Sensitivity?
Over time, especially after childbirth, vaginal tissue can over stretch, creating a feeling of looseness (laxity) and reduced sensitivity in the vaginal area. This can lead to decreased satisfaction during sexual intercourse, creating a significant quality of life issue.
Childbirth, a momentous lifecycle event, involves many physiological changes to a woman’s body. Post delivery, the vaginal area may feel stretched and dry and the pelvic floor may be weakened.
Hormonal Changes During Menopause: The shift in hormones that occurs with the menopause can cause lining of the vagina to become thinner, drier, less elastic, and inflamed.
What Treatment Options Are Available?
FemiLift tones and rebuilds the collagen of the vaginal walls, enhances the sensitivity of the vaginal receptors and contracts existing vaginal tissue, increasing vaginal tightness and improving sexual satisfaction.
What Should I Do Next?
If you have any concerns about either vaginal insensitivity or stress urinary incontinence please contact us on 02 9567 0399 and make an initial appointment with us.
What Causes Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
SUI is a term that describes involuntary leakage of urine during activities that increase pressure in the abdomen, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercise. This condition is caused by a loss of strength in the urethra die to a weakened pelvic support structure.
What Treatment Options Are Available?
FemiLift is the recommended treatment for SUI. FemiLift treats the entire area based on observations that it improves urethral support, increase the epithelial thickness, induce the formation of new collagen fibres, and enrich the blood supply of the vaginal walls, in order to strengthen the pelvic support structures. The treatment reduces the symptoms of SUI and effectively restores urinary continence.
What Should I Do Next?
If you have any concerns about either vaginal insensitivity or stress urinary incontinence please contact us on 02 9567 0399 and make an initial appointment with us.
Broken Capillaries are tiny veins that become dilated when blood vessels burst.
What Causes Broken Facial Capillaries?
There are many causes of broken capillaries. These can include Rosacea, environmental irritants, sun exposure, alcohol, genetics, medication, pregnancy, and pressure, trauma.
What Treatment Options Are Available?
The most effective and efficient treatment of broken capillaries is that of laser treatment, and specifically, laser genesis.
What Should I Do Next?
The correct and most effective treatment depends on identifying the underlying cause. This requires a full assessment of the problem including health and lifestyle factors. The team at Dr Luci Clinic are skilled in the assessment and management of broken capillaries. Allow us to design an individualised programme to help you achieve your goal of clear skin and into the future. Contact the clinic for an initial free consultation with one of our skin care experts. Call us on 02 9567 0399 or email us [email protected]
Coming Soon
Excessive Hair
Excessive or unwanted hair is a condition which can affect women and cause distress or embarrassment. The condition is known as Hirsutism, or the over growth of dark and course hair.
What Causes Excess Hair?
Hirtusim is caused by many factors, and will be different for different people. It can be caused hormonal changes, medication, certain medical conditions, and higher levels of testosterone.
The Hair Growth Cycle
The hair growth cycle describes the 3 stages of hair growth. These are Anagen, catagen, and Telogen. The Anagen stage is the initial growth stage, and can last up to 6 years, but this depends upon each individual and genetics. The Catagen stage is an intermediate stage and lasts up to 4 weeks. During this time, the hair follicle changes and tries to renew itself. The final stage, the Telogen stage, is the dormant stage of growth, and precedes shedding and the possible growth of new hair.
What Treatments Are Available?
The most effective method of treating excessive hair growth is that of Laser Hair Removal
What Should I Do Next?
An assessment of the excessive hair is essential to ensure that the safest individualised treatment programme is created for each client, as no two hair removal needs are the same. Dr Luci Clinic has acquired laser technology to remove excess hair effectively and efficiently. Contact the clinic for an initial free consultation with one of our experts. We look forward to seeing you move on to the next phase of your life, projecting the image you want. Call 02 9567 0399 , book online, or email us [email protected]
Large Uncomfortable Breasts
Large breasts can be as much a problem if not more of a problem to women. Breast size can impact your life in a number of ways:
- Neck pain
- Back pain
Breast size can be determined by genetics and can be influenced by dietary habits and lifestyle.
What Treatment Options Are Available?
If lifestyle and diet contribute to your breast size, we would normally recommend a period of weight loss prior to any breast reduction surgery. Surgery is not without its risks and we will discuss these at your initial consultation.
What Should I Do Next?
If you are concerned by neck or back pain caused by the size of your breasts, please contact our medical team on 1300 255185. Consultations are chargeable and the medical team can advise you when you call them. Consultations are available at our Liverpool, Campbelltown or Caringbah Clinics
Lip And Lip Definition
The size, shape and symmetry of lips is often considered to be an important factor in a person’s attractiveness. Many studies for instance have tried to quantify what makes up the most attractive lips (see for instance Kar et al, 2018 Physical attractiveness also can determine the way we feel, how confident we are, and how we portray ourselves to others. In defining the ideal lips, we at Le Sands Clinic believe you have to have an excellent understanding of human anatomy, and facial structure especially. You also need to have an exquisite eye for detail, in attaining what many believe are ideal lips, such as the balance and symmetry of the lips, and how this relates to the individual’s facial features. We believe that there is not a single approach that should be taken to lip beauty, as each individual is different physically as well as mentally.
What common Lip Concerns Are There?
Lip concerns can vary from asymmetry, to lack of fullness, or balance of the lips. Different races will also view lips differently, and in determining what makes the perfect lips.
What Treatments Are Available?
Cosmetic Injections are used in order to reshape, plump out, or make more fuller lips and generally this is done by the use of an injection with a very fine needle, of an injectable substance of a gel made from complex sugars which are naturally occurring in the body.
What Should I Do Next?
Lip fillers are invasive procedures and should only be performed by medically qualified people. All of lip treatments are performed personally by Dr Saliba. Your Next phase, which could involve lip treatment should be to call us on 02 9567 0399 or email us [email protected] to book your initial consultation with Dr Saliba.
Small Breasts Concerns
Your breast size can influence many aspects of your life, and wellbeing. We find that women that are looking to increase the size of their breasts do so for a number of reasons:
- Increase in confidence
- Feel more feminine
- Wanting breasts to be more in proportion to their body size
What Options Are Available For Breast Enlargement?
Breast augmentation surgery is the main way of treating small breasts. This is a surgical procedure carried out under general anesthetic.
What Should I Do Next?
If you are interested in breast augmentation, please contact our medical team on 1300 255185. Consultations are chargeable and the medical team can advise you when you call them. Consultations are available at our Liverpool, Campbelltown or Caringbah Clinics
Coming Soon
Opening Hours:
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9am – 5pm
Wednesday 9am – 5pm
Thursday 9am – 8pm
Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday 9am – 5pm
Phone: 02 9567 0399
Email: [email protected]